What are the Railroad Safety Standards for Technical Training?

What are the Railroad Safety Standards for Technical Training? The FRA (Federal Rail Administration) outlines the Technical Training Standards Division (TTSD) manages the Office of Railroad Safety’s Technical Training Program for over 650 Federal and participating State railroad safety inspectors and specialists of the six technical disciplines. The TTSD designs, develops, and delivers specialized internal railroad training courses keeping with a rigorous training model, the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT).  TTSD also administers contract training from external sources as necessary.

FRA Technical Training Courses_Railroad Safety and Technical Training Standards

Technical training is based on organizational needs, analyzed each year, and is mandatory. Each year, TTSD develops a catalog of courses and a training calendar of formal classroom training. On average, TTSD manages approximately 50 classes in 23 different courses of study each year.

TTSD also develops, implements, and monitors a formal on-the-job training program for new safety inspectors and inspector trainees. FRA’s 8 regions are responsible for actual implementation of the on-the-job training program. The criminal defense lawyers are ready to provide legal aid in case of an unfortunate problem.

The Office of Railroad Safety – Technical Training Standards Division (TTSD), course catalog is provided as a service to our internal Office of Railroad Safety stakeholders, including participating state inspectors and program managers. Make sure you check the Accident Reports TN on a regular basis.

This FRA course catalog includes course descriptions for 20 different courses TTSD will deliver this year. The catalog is preceded by the FY 2013 Training Calendar as of December 1, 2012, which consists of 53 classes in the 20 courses including the following railroad training courses:

  • Accident Investigation Fundamentals from Bradenton, FL personal injury lawyers
  • Fall Protection for Bridges
  • Collaborative Incident Analysis and Critical Thinking
  • Hazardous Materials Fundamentals – Phase One

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